Welding & Soldering

October 26, 2021


Multiple refugee camps began to open in our regions of northern Italy after the initial flood of immigrants in 2015. Thousands of men have remained in the camps without language or work skills and proper training to enter European society. Additionally, the vast majority of these men have never heard about Jesus or personally known a Christian.


Through certified master welders who volunteer their time and are already in the industry, our training teams can work with each individual which often translates to care and assistance outside the lab. Additionally, through industry contacts and certification, we are able to find them jobs as welders who are in high demand.

  • Professional Training
  • Life Care & Skills
  • Paths to Employment

Costs & Benefits

  1. OUR ASK: Costs & Needs
    Our annual costs including materials and insurance are around $4,000. We would like to expand this project to a fixed school with more stations requiring an additional $12,000 to accomplish this.
  2. Gospel Benefit
    The opportunities to share the Word of Christ continuously open after we share the heart of Christ. By meeting a major, felt-need, we show them that Jesus is real. Most are hearing  for the first time in their lives and asking many questions.
  3. Regional Benefit
    Factory owners and managers have contacted us and requested more workers because they have been trained so well. They have also requested to send work to the LifeLab for from their factory so the men can train on actual production materials. Then, the men are taught both the Italian language & how to set up things properly in society.

Dani and our welding cohort - Fall 2021
See our one-page prospectus
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Conegliano, Italy

Conegliano is a town and comune of the Veneto region, Italy, in the province of Treviso, about 30 kilometres north by rail from the town of Treviso. The population of the city and surrounding area is approximately 60,000 people. The remains of a 10th-century castle are situated on a hill that dominates the town.

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